Father’s Emotional Testimony Reveals Heartbreak and Betrayal in Hina Bashir Murder Case

Father’s Emotional Testimony Reveals Heartbreak and Betrayal in Hina Bashir Murder Case

…By Henry George for TDPel Media.

The father of Hina Bashir expresses his belief that animals would have treated his daughter better than her “evil” killer did.


Muhammad Arslan, aged 27, has been sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 20 years for the murder of 21-year-old Ms. Bashir.

He has also been jailed for five years concurrently for perverting the course of justice by attempting to hide her body.

In a victim impact statement read out in court, Bashir Khan, Ms. Bashir’s father, shares the profound grief and devastation that have enveloped their family, leaving their hearts broken beyond words.


A Nightmare Unveiled

Bashir Khan attended the entire trial and wrote the impact statement on behalf of Ms. Bashir’s mother, four sisters, and one brother, who were too traumatized to make their own statements.

Ms. Bashir was the eldest of six siblings, aged between 12 and 18.

Mr. Khan describes the harrowing experience that began when Ms. Bashir was reported missing before the discovery of her body.

As the family was in Pakistan at the time, they felt helpless, leading to sleepless nights filled with worry.

He highlights that his daughter was only 21 years old when she was killed by Muhammad Arslan, abruptly ending a promising future that had yet to unfold.


A Life Cut Short, Trust Shattered

Mr. Khan expresses his pride in his daughter, who came to the UK to pursue higher education and aspired to complete a PhD before returning to Pakistan.

He mentions that she was the first girl from their village to embark on such a journey.

Describing her as a beautiful, bubbly girl full of happiness, he emphasizes her caring nature towards her younger siblings and her ability to bring laughter to their lives.

However, the grief-stricken father confesses that facing people and recounting the nightmarish events is too overwhelming for him, leading to his withdrawal from social interactions.

Lingering Trauma and Broken Trust

Mr. Khan reveals the profound impact the loss has had on his wife, who has been hospitalized multiple times and now relies on medication to cope.


Their children, too, live in fear and refuse to go out alone.

Overwhelmed by his own emotions, Mr. Khan feels unable to provide the necessary support to his family during this challenging time.

He shares that one of his other daughters, who had initially intended to study in the UK, has now abandoned those plans due to the family’s concerns.

Expressing a sense of betrayal, Mr. Khan questions the safety of the UK, a country in which they had placed their trust.

A Distressing Trial and the Absence of Remorse

Attending the trial, Mr. Khan was subjected to extremely distressing evidence, which he had to relay to his emotionally fragile wife, withholding some of the most disturbing details.


He expresses his isolation and despair, compelled to be in the same room as the man responsible for taking Hina away from their family.

Mr. Khan describes his indescribable anguish upon hearing the vicious man talk about his daughter, witnessing the absence of any remorse.

He criticizes Arslan for disrespecting his daughter even after her death, asserting that animals would have treated her with more compassion.

Seeking Justice and Protection for Others

In his final plea to the court, Mr. Khan implores for an appropriate sentence to be handed down to Arslan, emphasizing the need for justice for his daughter’s “evil” treatment and to prevent him from “destroying” another life.

Through his heartrending testimony, Mr. Khan seeks solace in knowing that the court will hold the perpetrator accountable and work towards ensuring the safety and protection of others in the future.


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