Dietitians list 7 “healthy” practices that may be preventing weight loss

Dietitians list 7 “healthy” practices that may be preventing weight loss

A diet challenge or “jump start” is rarely a smart idea.

To reduce weight, you may want to go all-in on a diet or fitness challenge, but modest, consistent improvements are often more effective.
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London stated that one of the most common mistakes people make while attempting to lose weight is rushing into a comprehensive lifestyle shift.

She stated, “healthy behaviors must be abandoned and weight loss must take precedence at any costs.”

It may be marketed as a “jump start” or “kick start” to weight loss, or as a challenge to last a particular number of days, similar to the “75 Hard” craze.

According to London, though, anything that promises quick results through an aggressive practice is likely to result in disappointment.

The reality is that weight loss is a process that takes time; while you may be able to persevere despite the difficulty, you are unlikely to achieve lasting effects unless you make incremental, sustainable modifications to your routine.

“It’s about finding solutions within your current lifestyle that match your goals, as drastic restrictions or overhauls nearly always fail. Consistency is crucial, “London remarked.

Skipping meals in an attempt to “save” calories can backfire.

Fasting as a healthy diet and weight loss fad has gained popularity, but it may not work for everyone.

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According to London, skipping meals to reduce caloric intake is a typical dieting mistake that can cause you to consume more food than you would otherwise.

“Many of us were raised with this instilled mentality of “saving up” for later in the day.

It always backfires, and we end up in a cycle of restriction and bingeing “She stated,

Similarly, intermittent fasting, a trendy diet trend of recent years, entails eating only during particular times of the day.

According to proponents, fasting can promote weight loss and enhance health. However, the evidence is conflicting. Some studies have shown that it can be effective for weight loss, while others indicate that it is comparable to other diets and may have negative effects such as muscle loss.

According to London, leaving oneself hungry throughout the day in an effort to reduce caloric intake might be harmful because you may end up eating more at the next meal.

She stated, “I do not suggest fasting to anyone, especially those seeking to lose weight.” “Eating roughly every four hours gives us the energy we need and helps us remain on top of hunger and fullness cues throughout the day.”

Eliminating all “unhealthy” foods can be counterproductive over the long term.

To lose weight, it may be tempting to abstain from desserts, but doing so could derail your diet.

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According to London, another well-intentioned but erroneous diet plan is attempting to fully exclude so-called “unhealthy” foods such as sweets, snacks, and processed meals.

She stated, “Cutting anything out will just increase your want for it.”

Reducing high-calorie, high-sugar, and high-fat foods can be beneficial in preventing health problems and weight gain caused by consuming too much processed food.

However, continuing to consume them in tiny quantities will help you maintain your diet over time.

“Having treats is essential for maintaining any eating habit.

Give yourself freedom to appreciate every taste “London said.

There is also no need to worry about an occasional “cheat meal” or day.

According to London, consistency is the key to achieving weight loss objectives.

She stated, “No single meal or snack can make or break you, alter the number on the scale, or derail your diet.”

Choosing diet versions of your favorite foods can be detrimental.

Diet versions of your favorite snacks may contain deceiving ingredients.

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According to London, when you’re on a diet and craving a sweet treat, it’s best to go for the real thing rather than packaged diet goods like keto cookies, sugar-free candies, or low-fat anything.

“You wish to differentiate food you enjoy eating from food marketing claims. Often, the ingredient that made the cuisine amazing in the first place is removed “She stated,

She explained that as a result, you may consume more of an unsatisfying food and enjoy it less than if you simply indulged in a small portion of what you’re genuinely seeking.

Mark Schatzker, a nutrition writer, recently told Insider that choosing natural foods, despite their higher caloric content, may make it easier to lose weight than processed options.

A preoccupation with eating less can induce cravings.

It can be tough to enjoy your meals and maintain healthy habits over time if you just consider what you can’t eat.

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When it comes to dieting, conventional knowledge holds that eating less is the key to weight loss. However, according to London, a restrictive diet might leave you hungry, irritable, and less likely to stick with it.

She stated that a simple mental adjustment of substituting alternative foods can help you avoid feeling deprived. Rather than cutting, consider adding nutritious nutrients to your meals and snacks, especially high-volume, low-calorie foods like leafy greens.

London advised, “Think about’more’ – more produce, more fruit.” The more ingredients you consider, the more satisfying your meals will be.

Evidence suggests that including whole foods in your diet can help you consume more nutrients and fiber, making you more likely to feel full and adhere to a diet.

Overdoing it on protein supplements could derail your diet.

Protein is needed for satiety and muscle growth, but it is possible to consume too much.


Protein, a vital macronutrient, is a popular diet item since it reduces appetite, but according to London, too much of a good thing can be harmful.

It is true that consuming more whole-food sources of protein, such as lean meats, fish, and legumes, will help you feel fuller after meals and aid with meal planning.

“The simple mental shift of consuming extra protein and fiber at every meal can have positive effects,” said London.

Nevertheless, high-protein diets frequently rely on smoothies, powders, and snacks. Because supplements are inadequately regulated, you may not know what you’re getting when you purchase processed protein sources. Some protein products are heavy in added sugars, adding extra calories, or they may include sugar alcohol, which can create stomach problems, London explained.

You can also consume too much protein, consuming excess calories without gaining any additional health benefits.

“If you consume more protein than your body needs, it will be excreted,” London explained.

Protein products may also be labeled as muscle-building, but evidence indicates that strength exercise is also necessary for muscle gain.

Angie Asche, a certified dietitian, previously told Insider, “The wishful idea is that if you consume a protein bar or protein cookie, you’ll suddenly have lean muscles.” However, this is not the case.

Juice or smoothie diets might result in higher calorie and nutrient intake.

Popular juice cleanses may remove some of the healthful components of fruits and vegetables, therefore increasing your sugar and calorie intake.

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According to London, the juice cleanse is a famous celebrity weight loss fad, but it might make you feel hungry and slow down your weight loss.

Fruit and vegetable juicing removes the fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate related to health advantages such as increased satiety, improved intestinal health, lower blood sugar, and decreased risk of chronic diseases.

“Juicing removes the elements that make meals satisfying and converts them into glucose,” said London.

And because you are not chewing, you consume more calories than you would otherwise.

According to London, many liquid diets are falsely marketed as detox or “cleanses” that help eliminate toxins.

“It can feel incredibly appealing, like you’re doing something really wonderful for yourself, but if your liver and kidneys are functioning, you’re already doing it,” she added.

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