A score of unroadworthy taxis was impounded today in Gauteng

A score of unroadworthy taxis was impounded today in Gauteng

The Tshwane Metro Police Department seized a large number of unroadworthy taxis today, Friday, July 22. (TMPD).

After taking more than 10 unroadworthy taxis off the road, TMPD announced this victory in a statement on social media.

“TMPD region 6 members conducted an operation which yielded good results in Denneboom on Friday 22 July 2022.

58 vehicles were checked, and from the 58, 15 unroadworthy vehicles were impounded.”

TMPD further stated that 30 tickets for breaking traffic laws were given to moving vehicles.

While many applauded TMPD for dealing with the unroadworthy taxis, some drew awareness of other issues that also needed to be addressed.

Mahlo Vincent Ntshengwa said: “Please visit Van Der Walt near Bloed Mall. The same vehicles in this picture have hijacked the street”.

Marvin Vivo Tebogo said: “Please come to Sosha tomorrow”.

Another user was not impressed by the TMPD’s action.

Elvis Pofu Nine-nine Ejm said: “Basically, how do you expect people to survive. I really hate metropolitan municipalities because they don’t want a black person to recover from what has been caused by Apartheid”.

According to a study referenced by Arrive Alive, of the 36 lives lost daily on South African roads – 3 are killed in taxi-related incidents.

“A study done by the Automobile Association of South Africa recorded an annual total of 70 000 minibus taxi crashes which indicates that taxis in SA amount for double the rate of crashes than all other passenger vehicles,” Arrive Alive quoted the study report.