New Zealand Justice Minister Resigns Following Car Crash and Alcohol Incident

New Zealand Justice Minister Resigns Following Car Crash and Alcohol Incident

…By for TDPel Media.

New Zealand’s Justice Minister, Kiri Allan, has recently resigned from her position after being involved in a car accident with a parked car while reportedly driving over the legal alcohol limit.


The incident occurred in Wellington, the country’s capital, shortly after 9 pm local time on Sunday.

The Incident and Resignation:

Following the car accident, Kiri Allan was charged by the police with careless driving and refusing to accompany a police officer.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins revealed that police reported Allan’s breath test showed she exceeded the legal alcohol limit, although she was not charged with drunk driving.


Instead, she received an infringement notice related to the breath test.

After being detained for about four hours at the central police station, Allan decided to step down from her ministerial roles, as advised by Prime Minister Hipkins.

The incident has raised concerns about the suitability of a justice minister facing criminal charges.

Personal Struggles and Mental Health:

Once considered a rising star in the Labour Party, Ms. Allan had recently taken time off for her mental health due to a publicized split with her partner and allegations of poor working relationships with some staff.

Prime Minister Hipkins acknowledged that Ms. Allan was experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident, citing her well-documented struggles with mental health.


He expressed sadness for her situation and mentioned her ongoing battle with personal demons.

Ms. Allan’s Apology and Future in Politics:

In a statement, Kiri Allan apologized for her actions and acknowledged that she was not in the right state of mind to handle the challenges of being a minister while dealing with personal difficulties.

She expressed remorse for letting herself and her colleagues down.

As of now, Ms. Allan remains a member of Parliament, but her resignation from her ministerial position has raised questions about the judgment of Prime Minister Hipkins.

Other Ministerial Incidents:

The incident involving Ms. Allan is the latest in a series of missteps and scandals involving government ministers leading up to the national elections.


Transport and Immigration Minister Michael Wood resigned last month for failing to disclose a potential conflict of interest, and Police Minister Stuart Nash was fired in March for sharing confidential information with donors.

Additionally, Customs Minister Meka Whaitiri was fired in May after switching allegiance to another political party.

These incidents have brought scrutiny to the government ahead of the upcoming elections.


Kiri Allan’s resignation as the Justice Minister of New Zealand came as a result of a car accident where she was found to be driving over the legal alcohol limit.

Despite facing personal struggles and mental health challenges, Ms. Allan has expressed regret for her actions and is now considering her future in politics.


Her departure raises concerns about the government’s decision-making and adds to the series of ministerial incidents that have drawn attention in the lead-up to the national elections.


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