IAEA’s ICARST-2022 to discuss advanced trends in radiation science and technology

IAEA’s ICARST-2022 to discuss advanced trends in radiation science and technology

GENEVA, 20th August, 2022 (WAM) — The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is organising the Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2022) from 22–26 August 2022, Vienna, Austria, following the success of the first ICARST in 2017 (ICARST-2017).

Since the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity more than 100 years ago, different ways to artificially produce radiation and radioactive materials were found. The studies of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials has led to dramatic advances in radiation science and technology, and they are used for a wide range of procedures in industry, agriculture, and research. Radiation technologies have been promoted for their merit in addressing important human needs, such as improving industrial production and processes; better managing scarce freshwater resources; improving human health and food safety; preserving cultural heritages; and protecting our environment.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), working in close partnership with its Member States as well as with professional scientific bodies and the industry, has striven to maximize the contribution of radiation sciences and technologies towards the achievement of the Member States’ development priorities in a safe manner.

The second ICARST-2022 will provide a unique opportunity to review key developments in the applications of radiation science and technology as well as the ‘state of the science’ in this field;
national, regional and global initiatives for implementing proven industrial applications that lead to socio-economic benefits and strengthen capacity building in Member States; and serve as a composite platform through which industry and academia can foster new initiatives for ensuring the success of radiation technologies in meeting the emerging challenges in various areas.

A series of plenary sessions will address the following topical areas:

Advanced radiation chemistry and trends in radiation science and technology

Emerging roles of radiation sciences and technology in environmental monitoring and protection

Radiation & nuclear technology for characterization, imaging, and preservation of cultural heritage

Radiation technologies in tissue banking and tissue engineering

Education and training in radiation science and technology

Radiation sciences & technology success stories in support of attaining UN-SDGs.

The conference programme will include invited keynote speakers from academia and industry, giving oral presentations and participating in panel discussions. In addition, poster sessions will be organized to allow ample time for discussion and interaction among participants. Finally, a closing round table session will review the main conclusions drawn in the plenary sessions and will summarize recommendations for the future development of radiation sciences and technologies.