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Canada’s Department of Finance consulting on draft tax proposals

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Canada’s strong and essential social safety net is built on a robust national tax base.
The Department of Finance Canada today released for public comment a set of draft legislative proposals to implement previously announced and other tax measures.
Specifically, the proposals would implement Budget 2021 measures to:

The draft proposals would also implement measures announced in previous budgets to:

Draft proposals would address an error in the current law for the COVID-19 GST Credit Top-up so that it is consistent with the original intent of the measure as announced in March 2020 by the Government of Canada and how it has been administered by the CRA. In addition, draft proposals would ensure the proper functioning of the revocation tax with respect to organizations that have their registration as a charity revoked due to being listed as a terrorist entity.
To clarify the GST/HST treatment of crypto asset mining, draft proposals would specify that crypto asset mining would generally not be considered a “supply” for GST/HST purposes. This would mean that the GST/HST would not apply to the provision of crypto asset mining and input tax credits would not be available to the person providing the mining.
Note that references to “Announcement Date” in the draft proposals, and the accompanying explanatory notes, refer to February 4, 2022. In addition to draft legislative proposals, sample notifiable transactions are detailed in the backgrounder Income Tax Mandatory Disclosure Rules Consultation: Sample Notifiable Transactions for the measure relating to mandatory disclosure rules.
Canadians are invited to provide comments on these draft proposals and the sample notifiable transactions. Please send your comments to
Submissions on the following measures should be received by April 5, 2022:

Submissions specifically relating to the Interest Deductibility Limitation measure will be accepted until May 5, 2022.
Submissions on all other measures should be received by March 7, 2022.

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