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Wig Blockage Causes Sewage Flood in Bradford: The Dangers of Inappropriate Waste Disposal

Wig Blockage Causes Sewage Flood in Bradford: The Dangers of Inappropriate Waste Disposal
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…By Muyiwa Aderinto for TDPel Media.

Blocked Sewer Floods Gardens with Sewage Due to Pair of Wigs

Residents in Bradford, West Yorkshire, were shocked when their gardens were flooded with sewage after a sewer was blocked by a pair of wigs.

The blockage took a specialist team six tanks of water to clear, and waste overflowed into nearby gardens.

A Serious Problem

Lee Pinder, regional operations manager at Yorkshire Water, noted that blockages caused by unsuitable items being discarded into the network are a common occurrence, but wigs were a new one for them.

He highlighted the serious side to blockages caused by unusual items, noting that in this case, the blockage caused sewage to escape the network and enter nearby properties’ gardens.

Pinder stressed the importance of people considering the impact of using toilets and drains as bins and avoiding discarding unwanted items in the sewer.

What Should Go Down the Drain?


Yorkshire Water reminded customers that only three things should go down the drain: pee, poo, and toilet paper, as well as waste water from showers, baths, and sinks.

Pinder added that all other items do not break down and will ultimately lead to blockages in the sewer or at waste water treatment works.


The incident in Bradford is a reminder of the importance of proper waste disposal and the impact of inappropriate items being discarded into the network.

The consequences of a blocked sewer can be serious, not only causing sewage to overflow into nearby gardens but also creating health hazards.

The reminder from Yorkshire Water about the only three things that should go down the drain is crucial in preventing blockages and ensuring that waste is appropriately treated.

The incident also highlights the need for public awareness and education on waste disposal and the importance of avoiding the use of toilets and drains as bins.

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