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Video: Tinder Swinder Simon Leviev denies allegations against him



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Simon Leviev, the man at the centre of the hit Netflix documentary, The Tinder Swinder, has broken his silence and denied the legions of allegations that have been levelled against him by nearly a dozen women.
“I was just a single guy that wanted to meet some girls on Tinder. I am not a Tinder swindler,” Leviev, whose real name is Shimon Hayut, told “Inside Edition” in a teaser of the interview.
In fact, Leviev maintains he is anything but a scammer and appeared on the clip with a woman believed to be his girlfriend.
“I’m the biggest gentleman in the world,” he said.
The full interview with the so-called Tinder Swindler, will air on 21 and 22 February 2022.
The doccie features women who claim Simon Leviev swindled them out of millions of rands, as part of a well-orchestrated scheme. Leviev, who is from Israel, posed as the the son of a diamond mogul named Lev Leviev. After The Tinder Swindler premiered on Netflix, it has been streamed a whopping 50 million times. Leviev has since been banned from numerous dating apps, including Tinder.
He was arrested in 2019 in Greece after being caught with a fake ID. He was extradited to Israel, where he was convicted of theft, fraud and forgery of documents. However the charges related to crimes from 2011 and not ones he committed as outlined in Tinder Swindler.

In addition, Simon served a mere five months out of his 15 month prison sentence. He now lives as a free man in Israel. According to Netflix, Simon Leviev did not wish to participate or give a right of reply to the accusations levelled against him. Instead, he threatened legal action.
But Leviev isn’t letting this scandal bring him down – he intends making lemonade out of lemons, having signed with a Hollywood talent agent.

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