Atomic Digest

Ukrainian students carry emergency packs and study in bomb shelters

Ukrainian students carry emergency packs and study in bomb shelters
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The beginning of a new school year, whether in Ukraine or elsewhere, is typically marked by pomp and circumstance. This year, though, preparations for school included installing bomb shelters in the few remaining schools. Additionally, students are provided with emergency kits in the event of a Russian missile attack.

One student, Sophia, was sent to her first day of school with two bags: one for lesson and one for emergencies.

She and her classmates began the first day of school with a joyous greeting by taking turns ringing the school bell.

However, her first day was also filled with emotion, as tears welled up in her eyes when her father, who is currently serving on the front lines of the battle with Russia, was mentioned. She expressed that she missed him on her first day of school because dad was unable to attend.

Numerous schools have been intentionally targeted and destroyed by the rockets of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Schools are unable to open without bomb shelters.

Vera, a 16-year-old schoolgirl, narrowly avoided having to study a new Kremlin curriculum after her city of Izyum was liberated from Russian occupation after nearly six months.

She stated, “I’ve felt so depressed the whole time.” I wanted everything to return to its pre-war state, and I was terrified.

In a community that was in Russia’s firing line for more than half a year, Taya, 8, and her best friend Nastya, 6, are the only children remaining in their area, while their parents fled. They claim it was initially difficult to get used to the sound of shelling, but now they scarcely flinch.

“When it occurred while we were playing outside, we would embrace each other tightly and express our desire for the war to end,” Taya explained.

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