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Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Calls for Comprehensive Security Network in Black Sea Region

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Calls for Comprehensive Security Network in Black Sea Region
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…Researched and contributed by Solomon Thomas.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, has called on the West to turn the Black Sea into a “sea of NATO,” at a conference on Black Sea security held by video.

Kuleba urged the creation of a comprehensive security network for all nations in the region that feel threatened and the transformation of the Black Sea into a sea of NATO.

The conference coincided with the one-year anniversary of the sinking of the Moskva, Russia’s Black Sea fleet flagship.

Ukraine claims that it struck the ship with missiles, while the Kremlin cited an explosion on board as the reason for the sinking.

Kuleba criticized the West for lacking a consistent Black Sea strategy, while Russia has always had an aggressive and revanchist approach.

The foreign minister wants the shared sea to be used freely by peaceful and law-abiding countries, without fear of Russian warships.

The conference, initiated by Kyiv, was attended by Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov and his Romanian and Moldovan counterparts.


Decision-makers, officials, and experts gathered to discuss security in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

This article highlights Ukraine’s call for greater security in the Black Sea region and the transformation of the area into a sea of NATO.

It also sheds light on the tensions between Ukraine and Russia and the anniversary of the sinking of the Moskva.

The conference emphasizes the need for a comprehensive security network in the region and the importance of peaceful and law-abiding countries having free access to the shared sea.


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