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Trump says he’ll run in 2024 at Iowa

Trump says he’ll run in 2024 at Iowa
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Former President Donald Trump came close to launching a run for the White House in 2024 during a Thursday night rally in Iowa, the state that hosts the nation’s first presidential election, and on the anniversary of his 2020 election loss.

“And today, in order to make our country prosperous, secure, and wonderful, I will most likely do it again,” he continued. ‘OK? Very, very, very probably. Highly, highly, highly probable.

He instructed the agitated Sioux City crowd to “get ready!”

Trump also amused his crowd by showing supporters a compilation of President Joe Biden’s gaffes, including footage of the Democrat tripping up Air Force One’s stairs and other embarrassing incidents.

Trump, ever the reality television star, used a song connected with the QAnon movement at the concluding portion of his address, which featured dramatic and menacing music.

Five days before the midterm elections, Trump campaigned for Iowa Republicans Sen. Chuck Grassley and Gov. Kim Reynolds, who are not facing stiff opposition from Democrats.

“If you want safety for your family and security for your neighborhood, toss every Democrat out of government and vote Republican all the way down the ballot,” he urged his fans.

The majority of the protest, though, focused on how he had been wronged.

“Your beloved president got screwed,” he told the audience, implying that the 2020 election should have been nullified.

Former President Donald Trump came close to announcing a 2024 White House candidacy at a rally in Iowa on the anniversary of his 2020 election loss, where the nation’s first presidential election is held.

Thursday night in Sioux City, former President Donald Trump (left) campaigned for longtime Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley (right). Iowa is generally the first state to hold the presidential election.

Trump continued to falsely assert that he had won the election.

He remarked of the tremendous gains made under his leadership.

Sincerely, you had no problems with anything, he assured the gathering.

‘Unfortunately, we then encountered a blockage with this guy and these folks,’ he added. “This is a disgrace.”

He accused the Democrats of “indoctrinating our children with perverted race and gender hysteria in our schools.”

However, he predicted that the Republicans will retake the House.

“And we’re going to kill Nancy Pelosi’s political career for good,” he continued, repeating the moniker he gave her years ago, despite the recent attack on her husband, Paul.

He also informed Grassley, who spoke before and after Trump’s presentation, that he would be re-elected with relative ease.

Trump stated, “I believe he won’t have any issues.” “But after tonight, I know,” he continued, peering into his audience

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