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Teacher Vacancies Reach Alarming Levels, Doubled in Past Two Years, Data Shows

Teacher Vacancies Reach Alarming Levels, Doubled in Past Two Years, Data Shows
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…By Larry John for TDPel Media.

New official data reveals a troubling trend in the education sector, as teacher vacancies have doubled in the past two years.


Additionally, over 40,000 teachers left their jobs in the last year alone.

These figures, released by the Government, indicate a significant increase in the number of unfilled teaching positions and temporary hires.

Rising Teacher Vacancies:

According to the government’s data, the number of teacher vacancies grew from 1,100 in November 2020 to 2,300 in November 2022.

Simultaneously, the number of temporarily filled teacher posts rose from 1,800 to 3,000 during the same period.

These numbers demonstrate a concerning shortage of teachers within state-funded schools.

Teacher Attrition Rates:

In the academic year 2021/22, approximately 44,000 teachers left the state sector, marking a rise of 7,800 compared to the previous year.


This attrition rate is the highest recorded since 2017/18. The departure of working-age teachers at such an alarming rate raises serious concerns for the education system.

Impact on Pupil-Teacher Ratios:

Although the data shows a minimal increase of less than 1% in the total number of teachers, reaching 468,400, the high attrition rates exacerbate the strain on pupil-teacher ratios.

Currently, there are approximately 20.7 pupils for every nursery and primary school teacher in the 2022/23 academic year.

Salary and Workforce Composition:

The average teacher salary in England stands at £41,604, as indicated by the figures.

Additionally, the number of teaching assistants has increased to 281,100, reflecting a rise of 5,300 since the previous year.

These statistics highlight the need to address teacher retention and workload concerns.

Concerns and Call for Action:

Experts and education professionals express deep concerns about the situation.

Jack Worth from the National Foundation for Educational Research emphasizes the alarming departure of 40,000 teachers in a single year, the highest level since records began in 2010.


Addressing teacher retention becomes crucial, requiring policy actions to reduce workload and increase teacher pay competitiveness, according to Worth.

Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, believes the figures for teacher vacancies merely scratch the surface of the problem.

He notes the constant struggle to fill vacancies, leading to readvertising positions, utilizing supply staff, and assigning non-subject specialists to teach classes.

These measures further burden school and college leaders, existing staff, and jeopardize educational provision for children.

Government Response and Counterarguments:

The Department for Education points to the positive influx of teachers, with 48,000 joining English schools in 2022/23, a 4,000 increase from the previous year.

The data also indicates an overall increase of 27,000 teachers in English schools since 2010.

The government highlights efforts to enhance retention and recruitment, including recent investments in teacher training scholarships and bursaries.

Criticism and Opposition:

Ian Hartwright, head of policy at the National Association of Head Teachers, accuses the government of denying the persistent recruitment and retention crisis in the education sector.


He emphasizes the failure to meet recruitment targets and the ongoing challenges that drive teachers away.

Real-terms pay cuts, excessive workload, and high-stakes inspections contribute to disillusionment among educators and hinder funding levels.


The data presented unveils a troubling state of affairs in the education sector, characterized by an alarming increase in teacher vacancies and high attrition rates.

The impact on pupil-teacher ratios and the workload placed on existing staff raise concerns about the quality of education.

Urgent action is necessary to address teacher retention, workload, and compensation, to prevent further erosion of the education system and its impact on students’ futures.


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