Atomic Digest

Suspect Arrested in Connection with Weare Bombings

Suspect Arrested in Connection with Weare Bombings
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…By Larry John for TDPel Media.

A man named Dale Stewart has been arrested and charged with multiple counts in connection with two bombs that exploded in Weare, New Hampshire, this week.

He is scheduled to be arraigned on Friday in Hillsborough County Superior Court in Manchester.


The news of the arrest of Dale Stewart in connection with the Weare bombs is a significant development in the ongoing investigation.

The details of the charges have not yet been disclosed, but the fact that he is facing multiple counts suggests that authorities believe he played a major role in the incidents.

It remains to be seen what his motive might have been and whether there are any accomplices.

The arraignment on Friday will shed more light on the case and will be closely watched by the public and the media.


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