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Satirical TikTok video goes viral as influencer claims her beauty makes it hard to find a partner

Satirical TikTok video goes viral as influencer claims her beauty makes it hard to find a partner
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Hope Schwing, a TikTok influencer from Los Angeles, has claimed in a satirical video that her good looks make it difficult for her to find a romantic partner.

In the video, which has over 3.7 million views, Schwing jokes that her beauty is a curse, making her too intimidating for men to approach.

She refers to herself as “chronically single” and has never been in a serious relationship.

While Schwing intended the video to be satirical, it struck a chord with many women who have also claimed that their beauty has made it difficult for them to find love.

Some social media influencers have even been accused of catfishing and had their dating profiles removed.

However, Schwing says that she is comfortable being single and doesn’t feel an urgency to date.

She believes that when the time is right, she will meet the right person without having to actively search for them.

While Schwing’s video was meant to be humorous, some influencers have seriously claimed that their beauty has prevented them from finding a job.

In November, a TikToker was criticized after stating that she was “too pretty” to work.

»Satirical TikTok video goes viral as influencer claims her beauty makes it hard to find a partner«

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