SA Rural Safety Summit: How to ensure safety and security in remote areas

SA Rural Safety Summit: How to ensure safety and security in remote areas

To ensure safety and security in remote areas, do the following:

  • Get to know your neighbors and keep in touch with them.
  • Be aware of the security services and community-based crime prevention efforts available in your region, as well as how to contact them in an emergency.
  • Keep the contact information for security companies, community-based watches, emergency services, and the police station handy.
  • Have backup communication methods in case the phone lines and cellular phones go down.
  • Participate in crime prevention initiatives established by the South African Police Service and the community.
  • Maintain strong ties with all stakeholders and know who to contact in an emergency.
  • Consider starting a neighborhood watch in your region, or join an existing neighborhood watch.
  • Take part in simulated exercises with the South African Police Service to test the response’s efficacy…