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Orkney Islands Council Explores Governance Options, Denies Intent to Join Norway

Orkney Islands Council Explores Governance Options, Denies Intent to Join Norway
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…By Henry George for TDPel Media.

Orkney Islands Council has clarified that a motion investigating different methods of governance is not about joining Norway, according to the council’s leader.


The motion, proposed by Councillor James Stockan, sparked speculation that the islands may seek to leave the UK.

However, Stockan emphasized that the objective is to explore a range of options for governing the islands, including examining Nordic connections and crown dependencies like Jersey and Guernsey.

Motion Not About Joining Norway

Councillor James Stockan clarified that the motion put forward by Orkney Islands Council is not about the islands joining Norway.


The intention is to explore a broader range of governance options for the islands, which could potentially include receiving direct funding from the Treasury in London and taking charge of their own future.

Seeking Equitable Solutions

During his speech, Stockan raised various issues with the Scottish and UK governments, including concerns about funding settlements and challenges related to Scotland’s ferry network.

He expressed his frustration with the limitations imposed on discussions and negotiations, emphasizing the need for an equitable position for Orkney Islands in terms of funding and opportunities that can benefit the islands, their neighbors, the nation, and the world.

Funding Discrepancies and Government Restrictions

Stockan highlighted the funding disparity faced by Orkney compared to other island authorities like Shetland and the Western Isles.

He expressed dissatisfaction with the discrimination experienced by the community in funding settlements from government sources.


Over the past 20 years, he has engaged in negotiations with both the Scottish and UK governments to address these issues but feels the islands have been restricted and held back.

UK Government Stance and One United Kingdom

The UK government, as communicated by the Prime Minister’s official spokesman, stated that there is no mechanism to confer crown dependency or overseas territory status on any part of the UK.

The government firmly believes in the strength of the United Kingdom as one entity and has no plans to change that.


The Orkney Islands Council’s motion to explore various governance options has been clarified to be unrelated to joining Norway.

Councillor Stockan emphasized the need for equitable solutions, addressing funding disparities and seeking opportunities to benefit the islands and their community.


The UK government maintains its position of a united kingdom and has no plans to alter the current status.

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