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New poll reveals Trump’s 2024 support is higher than Biden’s

New poll reveals Trump’s 2024 support is higher than Biden’s
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Six in ten Republican voters want Trump to run in 2024, while 54% of Democrats want Biden to step away, according to a new poll – as inflation remains the top fear of Americans ahead of the November election.

A recent poll indicates that Donald Trump is still regarded the leader of the Republican Party.

Despite the fact that a majority of Democrats want President Biden to stand down for the next election cycle, they believe he is experienced and cares about people.

According to a survey by USA Today/Ipsos, more than half of both Republicans and Democrats believe the opposing party is too extremist.
A recent CBS poll reveals that Biden’s job approval has slightly increased to 45%.
In the wake of the FBI report, Trump’s poll numbers have risen. Mar-a-Lago raid

A new survey released on Sunday indicates that Donald Trump enjoys greater support from his base heading into the 2024 election cycle than does President Joe Biden among Democrats.

It also indicates that inflation and the status of the economy continue to be voters’ top concerns less than three months before the midterm elections in November, which will determine which party will control Congress for the remainder of Biden’s term.

In a sign of the deteriorating political climate, more than half of those on both sides of the aisle deemed the other party to be “too radical.”

Despite a recent increase in his job approval ratings, left-leaning voters polled by USA Today and Ipsos remain unenthusiastic about the 79-year-old chief executive.

Since the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in search of sensitive data, he has witnessed a modest increase in support.

59% of Republican voters stated they would support the ex-president for a second term, while 41% said “it’s time for a change in the Republican Party.”

44% of Democrats who were asked the same question about Biden said that he’should be the Democratic nominee for president in 2024 and deserves re-election.’

A majority of 56% want new leadership.

This is despite the fact that the majority of left-leaning voters had positive opinions of the president, with more than eight in ten describing him as an experienced operator who is ‘focused on bringing the country together’ and ‘fighting for the people he serves.’

Ninety percent of Republicans opined that Trump is willing to utilize all available means to accomplish his goals.

Additionally, more than 85 percent of respondents said he, like Biden, ‘fights for the people he represents’ and ‘opposes woke businesses and cancel culture.’

Biden and his party are currently experiencing a surge in support. The outrage over right-wing attacks on abortion rights has given left-wing campaigns that previously faced greater odds new energy.

A Sunday CBS News poll reveals that Biden’s popularity has increased by three points, from 43 percent in July to 45 percent presently. His disapproval rating declined by the same amount, but he still has a dismal 55%.

However, only 11 percent of respondents to the Ipsos survey cited abortion rights as the country’s most pressing issue right now.

A plurality of voters, 46%, cited inflation or rising expenses as their primary worry.

Rising gun violence was a distant second, with little more than a quarter of respondents seeing it as the most important issue.

July inflation increased by 8.5%, according to the most recent data available. This is a tiny decline from June’s rate of 9.1 percent, but it remains within a range not seen since the 1980s.

According to a survey of Democratic voters, President Biden is a seasoned statesman who cares about the people he represents. Republicans stated that, like Biden, Trump “fights for the people he represents” and opposes “woke companies and cancel culture.”

In recent weeks, Democrats saw some electoral relief as petrol prices began to decline from their all-time high average of $5 per gallon.

The current national average price of approximately $3.85 is almost 70 cents higher than it was at this time last year.

Trump’s support has also increased since the FBI’s unannounced search of Mar-a-Lago earlier this month.

Even Republicans who were initially dubious of Trump have united to demand at minimum openness and at most responsibility from Justice Department officials who authorized the unusual operation.

49 percent of Republican voters surveyed by The New York Times in early July wanted the former president to pursue a third campaign.

Morning Consult reported the results of the first survey conducted after the raid, which revealed that Trump’s support for the 2024 election increased to 58 percent.

In July, according to the same poll, he had 54 percent support.

Last week, in a statement on his Truth Social app, Trump struck out at the notion that his polling ratings benefited from the raid. The ex-president singled out comedian Bill Maher, who acknowledged Trump’s support increase on his show.

“He stated that I was fortunate to have my home broken into because it was beneficial for my electoral prospects.” Incorrect; it was an assault on liberty and a disaster for our country, which is enraged at the moment… And no, I was and continue to lead in the POLLS – BY A LARGE MARGIN!’ the former president added.

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