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Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner Challenges Government Over Cost-of-Living Crisis

Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner Challenges Government Over Cost-of-Living Crisis
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…By Henry George for TDPel Media.

Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner Challenges Government on Cost-of-Living Crisis

Angela Rayner, the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, has warned that rising bills, high mortgages, and declining real wages are pushing families to their limits.


She confronted Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden in the Commons, criticizing the government’s response to the cost-of-living crisis.

Dowden accused Labour of relying on a “magic money tree” and questioned their allegiance to union paymasters.

The exchange took place during Prime Minister’s Questions, with Rayner standing in for Keir Starmer in the absence of Rishi Sunak, who was attending the Nato summit in Lithuania.


Comparisons to the 1990s Mortgage Crisis

Rayner drew parallels between the current mortgage difficulties in the UK and the challenges faced by the Conservative government in the 1990s.

She highlighted the absence of a prime minister for two consecutive sessions, reminiscent of March 1996.

Rayner expressed pride in filling the shoes of Lord John Prescott and questioned why, 27 years later, she had to ask the same questions about families facing repossession, negative equity, and homelessness.

Government’s Response and Record

Dowden responded by highlighting the achievements of the government and criticizing Jeremy Corbyn’s stance on Ukraine, the Army, and NATO.

He credited Margaret Thatcher’s government for enabling his parents to purchase their own home and stated that the current government is building on that legacy with record housebuilding.


In response to Rayner’s mention of child poverty, Dowden highlighted the government’s efforts in lifting 400,000 children out of poverty, introducing the national living wage, and reducing taxes through the personal allowance increase.

Cost-of-Living Challenges and Labour’s Criticism

Rayner argued that rising bills, high mortgages, and declining real wages are placing increasing pressure on families.

She pointed out that those who are already struggling are most affected by the Conservative government’s mortgage policies and rising food costs.

Rayner questioned Dowden on the number of primary school children pushed into poverty since the government came to power.

Dowden responded by highlighting the extension of free school meals to five, six, and seven-year-olds, among other measures to support people with the cost of living.


Conservative Government’s Economic Impact and Labour’s Response

Rayner accused the Conservatives of crashing the economy and being oblivious to the challenges faced by working people.

She emphasized the daily struggles of individuals who cannot afford their mortgage, rent, or bills due to the government’s policies.

Rayner highlighted the increase in the number of children without permanent addresses and criticized Tory ministers for not acknowledging the problem of child poverty.

Dowden defended the government’s record, citing the reduction of child poverty and accusing Labour of obstructing progress by supporting various protests and restrictions.

Ongoing Concerns and Reiteration of Questions

Rayner reiterated the concerns about the cost of living and the government’s handling of the situation.


She questioned why, after 27 years, the same issues raised by Lord John Prescott in 1996 still need to be addressed.

Dowden responded by emphasizing the government’s achievements in reducing child poverty and accused Labour of hindering progress.

The exchange between the two demonstrated the ongoing debate surrounding the cost-of-living crisis and the differing perspectives on the government’s economic policies.

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