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Government Prevails as Controversial Small Boats Crisis Bill Advances

Government Prevails as Controversial Small Boats Crisis Bill Advances
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…By Judah Olanisebee for TDPel Media.

Government Overcomes Challenges to Controversial Small Boats Crisis Bill


After a series of renewed challenges by peers, the UK government has successfully defeated attempts to make changes to the Illegal Migration Bill.

This development is significant as it paves the way for the legislation to become law, with royal assent expected.

The Bill, a flagship reform aimed at tackling the small boats crisis, includes measures to deter unauthorized arrivals and speed up deportations.


Government’s Victory and Archbishop’s Decision: During a night of dramatic parliamentary proceedings, the Tory frontbench managed to see off five proposed changes to the Bill, including those related to modern slavery protections and child detention limits.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, a vocal critic of the Bill, withdrew his demand for a statement on refugee issues and human trafficking after a similar proposal was rejected by MPs.

This surprising conclusion resolves the parliamentary clash over the contentious reforms just ahead of the summer recess.

Objectives and Opposition of the Bill: The reforms included in the Bill are central to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s strategy to discourage dangerous Channel crossings.

They aim to prevent individuals from claiming asylum in the UK if they arrive through unauthorized means.


Additionally, the government hopes these changes will lead to prompt removal of detained individuals, either to their home countries or to third countries such as Rwanda (subject to a legal challenge).

However, the Bill faced strong opposition in the House of Lords, which was accused of attempting to undermine the plans.

Government’s Justification and Urging for Passage: Ministers argued that the UK’s asylum system had been overwhelmed by the significant number of small boat arrivals, costing taxpayers £6 million per day for accommodation.

Lord Murray of Blidworth, a Home Office minister, emphasized that if people knew there was no way for them to stay in the UK, they would be less likely to risk their lives and pay criminals to enter illegally.

He called upon the Lords to respect the will of the elected House and the British people by passing the Bill.


Archbishop Welby’s Concerns and National Consensus: While acknowledging the need to address small boat crossings, Archbishop Welby expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the Bill in achieving this objective.

He emphasized the importance of starting with a national consensus and agreement on the long-term aim of migration and immigration policies.

Despite his reservations, he acknowledged that the House of Lords should generally yield to the decisions of the elected House.

Accommodation Barge Update: As the parliamentary debate unfolded, a barge intended to accommodate 500 migrants was being relocated.

The Bibby Stockholm barge, which was being prepared for its new role in Portland Port, Dorset, finally departed from Falmouth, Cornwall.


Downing Street defended the use of barges as a cost-effective alternative to housing migrants in hotels.

In conclusion, the UK government has overcome challenges to the Illegal Migration Bill, paving the way for its passage into law.

The Bill’s provisions aim to address the small boats crisis by deterring unauthorized arrivals and expediting deportations.

The Archbishop of Canterbury withdrew his demands, signaling a crucial development in the legislative process.

The parliamentary debate coincided with the relocation of an accommodation barge for migrants, highlighting ongoing efforts to manage the challenges posed by migration.


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