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Fake US Veteran Exposed, Man Fighting for Ukraine Built Following on a Lie

Fake US Veteran Exposed, Man Fighting for Ukraine Built Following on a Lie
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…By Larry John for TDPel Media.

James Vasquez, a US citizen who became one of the most high-profile former soldiers to volunteer in the Ukrainian army, was exposed for lying about his military service.

Vasquez built a large following after sharing dramatic images from the front lines and even claimed to have access to US weapons.

Vasquez had a wide following on Twitter until his account was recently deactivated

He repeatedly claimed to be a decorated US Army sergeant and said he had served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, Vasquez has now admitted to the New York Times that he was in fact kicked out of the Army Reserves before he ever went to war.

Lies and exaggerations

Military records show that Vasquez only achieved the rank of private first class, one of the lowest ranks, rather than a sergeant.

“I had to tell a million lies to get ahead,” Vasquez told the newspaper, while refusing to elaborate on why he’d been kicked out.


Vasquez has previously told his wife Tina that he couldn’t sit by and watch what was happening without helping

His confession was an even bigger shock to his now-ex-wife Tina Vasquez, who had spoken of her pride in her then-husband and lauded his military expertise.

His admission that he had massively exaggerated his military past shocked even his wife.

The truth comes to light

Vasquez’s lie has left the Ukrainian army in a difficult position, as he was an influencer and helped to rally support for the cause.

Vasquez has since been off the grid but is thought to have linked up with the far-right Da Vinci’s Wolves battalion.

He had gained a large following on Twitter until his account was recently deactivated.


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