Chrissy Teigen’s Naked Photo Sparks Conversation About Body Positivity

Chrissy Teigen’s Naked Photo Sparks Conversation About Body Positivity

…By Larry John for TDPel Media.

Model and TV personality Chrissy Teigen has once again made headlines after posting a naked photo of herself with her newborn baby on Instagram.

In the photo, Teigen is seen reclining on a blue couch, with her legs and toes exposed, covered only by a fluffy brown teddy bear blanket and a pink towel.


Teigen admitted in the caption to feeling unwell, but also took the opportunity to poke fun at her own “long toes.”

Fans were quick to praise the model’s honesty and sense of humor.

Teigen has previously spoken about her “Asian jungle feet” and admitted to feeling self-conscious about them.

Her modeling contracts even banned the showing of her feet.

However, her husband, musician John Legend, has no trouble recognizing her from her feet, according to Teigen.


The photo has once again sparked a conversation about body positivity and the importance of embracing all parts of ourselves, including the aspects we may feel self-conscious about.

Teigen’s openness and humor have been applauded by fans and critics alike.



Chrissy Teigen has once again used her social media platform to promote body positivity and self-acceptance.

By posting a naked photo of herself with her newborn daughter, she has demonstrated that beauty and confidence come in all shapes and sizes.

Her candid admission about her “long toes” and previous self-consciousness about her feet have struck a chord with many, highlighting the pressure women in the public eye face to conform to certain beauty standards.

Teigen’s humor and wit have also been praised, as she uses self-deprecating humor to disarm critics and connect with her fans.

Her ability to make light of her own insecurities and share them with others has made her a relatable and admired figure in the entertainment industry.


Overall, Teigen’s latest social media post has once again sparked important conversations about body image and self-love, reminding us all to embrace and celebrate all parts of ourselves, no matter how “imperfect” they may seem.

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