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Charles McGonigal’s connection to disgraced former FBI agent Hunter Biden

Charles McGonigal’s connection to disgraced former FBI agent Hunter Biden
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Charles McGonigal, the former chief of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office and one of the most formidable spy-hunters in the country — who also happened to be tied to Hunter Biden — was arrested on corruption charges, exacerbating the FBI’s reputation difficulties.

McGonigal was accused with receiving secret financial payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer, holding secret meetings with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, and attempting to remove senior Kremlin businessman Oleg Deripaska from a US sanctions list in twin indictments filed last month.

Prosecutors’ citations of Albanians link this scam to Hunter Biden and the Chinese energy business CEFC, which paid him and his uncle Jim millions of dollars in a contract that Joe Biden was expected to join once he ceased serving as vice president.

According to authorities, McGonigal got $225,000 in cash from an Albanian former intelligence official, identified in Albanian and European media as Agron Neza, in the fall of 2017 while he was the FBI’s counterintelligence chief in New York.

Neza then introduced McGonigal to Dorian Ducka, a well-connected Albanian who advised Rama and worked for CEFC.

A image taken in May 2017 and revealed in Albanian media last month showed Ducka posing with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, who famously handed Hunter a 3.16-carat diamond estimated to be worth $80,000 in February 2017.

Midway through 2017, Ye also placed Hunter on a $1 million legal retainer, which was ultimately paid to CEFC colleague Patrick Ho after his arrest.

Someone with the same peculiar first name as Ducka is mentioned in an email exchange between Hunter, James Gilliar, and Rob Walker regarding CEFC found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

“Dorian was a tremendous help early on, so we should consider how to include him,” Gilliar said in an email dated 13 May 2017.

“Absolutely not,” Hunter responds, “and if the majority says no, I’ll deduct it from my salary.”
This was out of character for Hunter, who at the time was pleading poverty to his business partners and demanded a higher profit share.

A source believes that the “Dorian” named could be Ducka, as Gilliar had been conducting business for CEFC in Albania. “Hunter wouldn’t give up a dime,” the source said. Therefore, Hunter’s promise to compensate [Dorian] demonstrates the existence of deep links.

Why did the Albanians compensate McGonigal?

According to Belind Kellici, the Democratic Party candidate for mayor in May’s mayoral election in Tirana, Albania, McGonigal initiated FBI investigations into political opponents of Albanian Socialist Party PM Rama, with the goal of declaring them persona non grata and preventing them from conducting business or opening a bank account in the United States.

A dozen opposition politicians or businesspeople who support the opposition party were included to the “blacklist” compiled by McGonigal.

This includes former opposition leader Sali Berisha, who was designated a persona non grata by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and prohibited from entering the United States.

Last weekend, the McGonigal issue was the focal point of an anti-government demonstration in front of the main government building in Albania, which demanded the resignation of the prime minister for suspected corruption stemming from his meetings with McGonigal.

Placards with the name of the former FBI agent were omnipresent.

McGonigal initiated FBI investigations against political opponents of Prime Minister Rama of the Albanian Socialist Party.

His business partners also discussed Hunter’s links with the FBI. One source recalls hearing about a conversation between July and September 2017 in which Chairman Ye of CEFC asked Hunter if he could determine through his FBI or DOJ contacts if Ye or Ho were subjects of an FBI investigation.

Hunter then relayed to Ye that the two had been cleared and were no longer under investigation.

Soon after, in November, Ho returned to the United States and was arrested at JFK Airport by FBI agents.

The informant says that Chairman Ye was furious that Hunter’s intelligence was incorrect.

“He expressly requested that Hunter investigate whether Patrick Ho or he were targets. [Hunter] returns to Chairman Ye and responds negatively. Then, Ho flies to the United States and is detained at JFK.

Whoever Hunter spoke with at the FBI lied to him and told him that Ye and Ho were not targets.”

We know Hunter had at least one informant in the FBI because New York attorney Edward Kim, to whom Hunter delegated the legal work to aid Ho following his detention, emailed Hunter and inquired if he could rely on Hunter’s FBI contacts.

Kim wrote to Hunter on November 18, 2017, in response to Hunter’s request that his firm represent Ho, “It would be helpful if you could find the names of the FBI agents you spoke with.”

McGonigal oversaw the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division at the New York field office at the time the arrest was made.

A tenuous connection also exists between Hunter and McGonigal in their personal lives, as their names appear together as recipients of 29 lacrosse-match emails referring to their then-teenage daughters from a posh DC school attended by Hunter’s children during the time McGonigal was employed at the FBI Washington field office. There is no indication that they met at that time.

McGonigal resigned from the FBI in September 2018 after a former mistress allegedly revealed to his boss that he kept large amounts of cash in his Brooklyn residence.

McGonigal, a protégé of former FBI director James Comey, participated in the phony FBI investigation into Trump-Russia connection as section chief of the Cyber-Counterintelligence Coordination Section at the FBI’s Washington, D.C. field office. He was apparently important in launching the initial Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

After relocating to New York one month before the 2016 presidential election, McGonigal was apparently implicated in the bogus surveillance orders on Carter Page, a Trump campaign staffer.

While both Republican and Democratic lawmakers attempt to exploit the McGonigal crisis for their own political gain, FBI Director Chris Wray is powerless to restore the public’s faith in his agency.

The next time someone from the Biden administration attempts to lecture you about your carbon footprint, confiscate your gas stove, or encourage you to eat insects, you are free to disregard them.

They are not dependable environmental stewards.

In reality, they appear to have recently presided over two acts of calamitous environmental vandalism.

In September, the United States allegedly blew up the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea.

The explosion released an amount of methane equal to the annual emissions of one million automobiles.
Then there is the explosion of a train carrying dangerous chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio. We have not yet determined the extent of the long-term harm, but the widespread extinction of fish and fauna does not bode well for the water table, let alone for the unfortunate locals.

These Americans should be transported by bus to New York and provided with free hotel rooms, food, medical care, and attorneys.

However, Mayor Adams saves such generosity for illegal aliens who complain there is not enough.

“South Snark” is a royal annoyance

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made it big with a South Park appearance.
In the episode aired on Wednesday, Kyle says that he is weary of hearing about a “dumb prince and his dumb wife.”

He is channeling all of us.

»Charles McGonigal’s connection to disgraced former FBI agent Hunter Biden«

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