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Californian UPS driver found dead in his delivery truck

Californian UPS driver found dead in his delivery truck
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On June 25, when Pasadena, California, temperatures rose into the mid 90s, a 24-year-old UPS driver passed away in his delivery vehicle, according to a recent report.

Stevie, also known as Esteban Chavez Jr., unexpectedly passed out while delivering deliveries.

According to Esteban Chavez Sr., his father, “He collapsed off his seat in the truck.” By the time anyone discovered it—the owner of the home where he had delivered the package—my kid had already passed out and it had been approximately 20 minutes. Obviously, by the time the first responders arrived, it was a little late.

The cause of death has not been disclosed by the coroner, although Chavez’s family believes that he perished as a result of high temperatures.

 ‘Everyone knows, it is pretty hot out there, those trucks are a hot box,’ Chavez Sr. said. ‘They have all these guys running around, delivering packages and trying to meet their quotas and do their jobs.’

 The UPS driver had just turned 24 the day before his death and returned to work after time off to heal from a shoulder injury.

‘I’m still shocked. I can’t really believe it. My son just turned 24 on Friday,’ Sr. said.

According to his father, Chavez had no known medical issues prior to the occurrence.

In order to gather money for Chavez’s funeral, his family created a GoFundMe campaign.

The page’s creator, Suleyma Chavez, stated, “Our hearts are torn and this agony is excruciating.” We all miss him very much. He was a man full of life who offered a lot to the world and other people. By Monday afternoon, close to $26,000 had been collected. We express our sincere sympathies to Esteban Chavez’s family and friends and are terribly saddened by his passing. According to KTLA 75, UPS stated, “We are working with the investigative authorities and politely deferring inquiries regarding this situation to them.”

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