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Any Americans left in Moscow are told to leave to prevent CONSCRIPTION

Any Americans left in Moscow are told to leave to prevent CONSCRIPTION
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To avoid conscription into Vladimir Putin’s mobilized army, the United States Embassy in Moscow has urged all remaining Americans to depart immediately.

The embassy said in a statement that Russia may refuse to recognize the U.S. citizenship of dual nationals, deny them access to U.S. consular assistance, block their exit from Russia, and conscript them for military duty.

The embassy also cautioned that it has become increasingly difficult to leave Russia due to full flights and Putin’s forces closing borders.

“Those resident or traveling in Russia should immediately exit while commercial travel alternatives remain limited,” stated the advisory.

Putin’s announcement last week that he would organize 300,000 men of military age to battle Ukraine caused havoc at recruitment centers, airports, and borders.

Russians have been hurriedly trying to book flights to cities such as Dubai, where a single ticket costs more than $10,000.

“Currently, commercial airline options are severely limited and frequently unavailable on short notice,” added the statement.

“Overland routes by vehicle and bus remain accessible.” If you desire to leave Russia, you should make your own preparations without delay.

The United States Embassy in Moscow has instructed all remaining Americans to leave immediately in order to escape conscription into Vladimir Putin’s mobilized army.

In the Siberian city of Tara, reservists drafted during the partial mobilization line up in front of a recruitment office.

Americans were warned by the US Embassy in Moscow to make preparations as quickly as possible.

The Russian government began mobilizing its citizenry into the armed forces on September 21 in support of its invasion of Ukraine.

Russia may refuse to recognize the U.S. citizenship of dual nationals, deny them access to U.S. consular aid, block their exit from Russia, and enlist them for military duty.

Currently, commercial airline alternatives are highly restricted and frequently unavailable on short notice. Auto and bus lines are still operational. If you desire to leave Russia, you should make your own preparations without delay.

The U.S. Embassy’s ability to assist U.S. citizens is severely constrained, and conditions, especially transportation alternatives, may suddenly become even more restrictive.

Citizens of the United States should not travel to Russia, and anyone residing or traveling in Russia should quickly depart while commercial travel alternatives remain limited.

About the Information for U.S. Citizens in Russia – Travel Options Out of Russia page of, the Department of State provides information on commercial travel.

This website also contains information on entry requirements for adjacent countries, procedures for travel on expired U.S. passports, and visa needs for families with American and Russian citizen relatives.

We remind American individuals that freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are not guaranteed in Russia.

Avoid photographing security agents at any political or social demonstrations.

The Russian government has jailed American citizens who participated in protests.

‘The U.S. Embassy’s ability to assist U.S. citizens is severely constrained, and conditions, particularly transportation alternatives, may suddenly become even more restricted.

The embassy also cautioned any U.S. citizens contemplating a protest that peaceful assembly and free speech are not guaranteed.

As a result of Putin’s mobilization, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated on Tuesday that the White House might give political shelter to those fleeing Russia.

She did not, however, mention a program designed specifically for Russians, whose homeland is subject to a variety of U.S. and western sanctions imposed in reaction to Russia’s ruthless invasion of Ukraine in February.

She stated, “We are seeing protests in the streets of Russia and people signing petitions, and I believe the message they are telling us is that this war that Putin launched… is unpopular.” There are those in Russia who do not wish to fight or die for Putin’s war.

She commented after multiple films emerged from Russia depicting attacks on military recruiting facilities and new conscripts being informed that they will be deployed to the front, where U.S. and British officials believe tens of thousands of Russian military personnel have been killed or wounded.

In Russia, there have been instances of online searches for how to break your arm at home, which has been taken as an attempt to evade military service.

Jean-Pierre stated, “We feel that, regardless of nationality, they may seek for asylum in the United States and have their application evaluated on an individual basis.” They should seek asylum, as we welcome those who do so.

There is only one person who can halt this war, and that person is Vladimir Putin. She stated, ‘He’s the one who launched this unjustified, horrific conflict, thus it is his responsibility to end it.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated on Tuesday, in response to a question regarding Russians fleeing the nation in response to Vladimir Putin’s partial mobilization order, “We welcome anyone seeking sanctuary.”

Outside of a military recruitment center in Volgograd, Russia, a Russian recruit and his wife embrace and kiss one another.

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