Atomic Digest

Anthony Koletti released an offensive rap ‘diss track’



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Anthony Koletti, Melissa Caddick’s husband, has created a “bizarre diss track” in which he tells 2GB broadcaster Ben Fordham to “keep my wife’s name out of your mouth.”

The song, which was released earlier this week and is critical of Fordham and other journalists’ coverage of his wife’s fraud case, was released online.

Koletti sings in the song, “2GB with Ben Fordham, more like zero snoredom.”

‘Get off your high horse, you get told what to report fam.’

‘You know Kyle and Jackie O, you’re a sheep, you get told what to think.

‘Get off your high horse, you get told what to report fam.

‘Like Will said, I’d like to tell you to keep my wife’s name out of your mouth, instead go south.’

On Tuesday morning, Fordham responded to the song by saying Koletti was looking for ‘another handout’ after riding on the coat-tails of his wife’s multi-million-dollar scams.

‘When Melissa was brazenly stealing $23 million from people and pretending to invest it on their behalf, Anthony was living it up,’ he said.

‘For eight years, he was living in the fast lane…all of it paid for thanks to the hard work of others.

‘He was living life like he was a rapper, and funnily enough, that’s what Anthony Koletti wants to be.

‘I think Kanye West and Eminem are safe,’ he said.

‘Your music is atrocious. I know music is subjective but you could travel the entire planet and – no matter how hard you look – you won’t find anyone who wants to listen to this 24-karat crap.

‘Your music is some of the most embarrassing stuff ever made. So my advice is let it go, get a job, and stop expecting some poor sucker is going to give you another hand out.’

Fordham then went a step further and challenged Koletti to an interview ‘anywhere, anytime’.

Melissa Caddick vanished from Sydney’s eastern suburbs in November 2020 after defrauding 74 of her friends and family of $23 million through a phony investment company.

They thought she was investing it in the stock market, but she was actually spending it on designer clothes, jewelry, international trips, multi-million dollar homes, and luxury cars.

After a foot found on Bournda Beach on the NSW south coast matched her DNA, she was ruled presumably deceased in February 2021.

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